Florian Eichin
I am a Software Developer from Freiburg (Germany)
Contact me
Freiburg Parkdata
Freiburg Parkdata is a open data project. The data is from the open data Portal Freiburg City Link to the JSON
Your Logbook
"Your Logbook" is a Django based Webproject. You can log your location with your GPS signal and add photos. Currently the site is only available in german language.
With Geekrush you can train you
mathematical skills in tree different
difficulties. As further you come the
quicker you have to answer the task.
The Vatcalculator is an Android App that can calculate the vat ammount of the product price. More than 60 countries are supportet. The App is from 2011 and was updated several times. Currently the App have arroud 300 weekly users.